Sunday, January 31, 2010

Updates all around

Kate's garden is having issues. The amaryllis are growing a bit:

But the taller of the two has these almost rusty spots along it's stem, and even some holes:

Really weird. The other has a few rusty spots too, but it's major issue seems to be this:

The bud seems to be dying back right at the tip. I don't know, the compost heap may be calling these two.

On a more positive note, the February square for my block a month afghan is finished early, and I acquired something to help with my blocking issues.
I usually soak my wool items for blocking, but I just read a really good instruction on how to block acrylic here. I will try to accept her advice. So, I'm ahead on the afghan, but the garden is looking grim. Everywhere balance I guess.

1 comment:

Diana said...

See how that works for you. I usually "block" my acrylics by putting them in the washer and dryer. So essentially they "steam" themselves in the dryer.